John Travolta called Idina Menzel Adele Dazeem: What's Your Travolta name?

Now You Can Generate Your Own Travoltified Name, Like "Adele Dazeem"

Now You Can Generate Your Own Travoltified Name, Like "Adele Dazeem"

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March 3 2014 4:53 PM

The Adele Dazeem Name Generator

Use our widget to Travoltify your own name.

When John Travolta called Idina Menzel "Adele Dazeem" at the Oscars, he created a new standard for superstardom: You're no one until you've had your name mangled by a confused, squinting John Travolta. What's your Travoltified name? Find out with our handy widget!

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Jim Festante is an actor/writer in Los Angeles and regular video contributor to Slate. He is the author of the Image Comics miniseries The End Times of Bram and Ben.

Chris Kirk is a web developer at New York magazine and Slate’s former interactives editor. Follow him on Twitter.