Slate Fare

Slate, Any Way You Want It

Reintroducing Build Your Own Slate.

We love our readers to browse Slate’s home page, surfing through articles with wild abandon, clicking wherever they fancy. But we know that sometimes you’re all business. For those occasions, we’re relaunching “Build Your Own Slate,” the one-stop tool that lets you pick the recent Slate articles you want, then e-mail them, print them, read them on an uncluttered HTML page, or save them onto your hard drive.

Here’s how it works:

On the Build Your Own Slate page, you’ll see a list of the articles we’ve published in the past seven days, organized by subject: News & Politics, Arts & Life, etc. (You can use the scroll bar to view the entire list.) If you want to e-mail, print, read, or save one article, click the appropriate icon menu below each story. If you’d like to custom-build your own collection of Slate pieces from the last week, select the articles you want, then click the appropriate button on the bottom menu bar. If you want a full record of the stories from the last week, simply click Select All at the top of the list.

The E-Mail command allows you to send the article(s) to yourself or anybody else (via our e-mail system, not yours). Print allows you to format the piece(s) in a magazine-style two-column version (if you have Microsoft Word) or a slightly less fancy one-column printout. Click Read and you’ll get the article(s) on a stripped-down HTML page for easy reading. Save creates an HTML file that you can save to your hard drive.

By the way, if you’d rather get articles listed chronologically, rather than by subject, choose Date rather than Department in the top menu bar.

We’d love to hear what you think about the new, improved Build Your Own Slate. Pleasesend praise, complaints, and suggestions for ways we could improve the feature to