How To Pronounce It

Does Not Rhyme With “Tortilla”

How Jose Padilla pronounces his name.

Name: Jose Padilla (aka Abdullah Al Muhajir)

Title: Terrorism suspect

Last Name Pronounced: “puh-DILL-uh”

Source: Donna Newman, Padilla’s attorney (Click here to play Newman pronouncing her client’s name. Note: Newman says this pronunciation, and not the more common “puh-DEE-yuh,” is the one preferred by Jose Padilla and his family.)

Previous pronunciations:

Abu Ghraib (link to piece)

Bernanke, Dr. Ben S. (link to piece)

Clement, Judge Edith Brown (link to piece)

Miers, Harriet Ellan (link to piece)

Niger (link to piece)

Qatar (link to piece)

Villaraigosa, Mayor Antonio (link to piece)

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