
Found Object: DeLay’s Mug Shot

Book him, Dan-o.

Periodically, this column eschews commentary altogether and simply invites readers to savor the negative capability of a certain image found on the Web. Tom DeLay’s mug shot, snapped today in Harris County, Texas, where DeLay was booked on conspiracy and money laundering charges, is one such objet trouvé. It dwelleth in a realm that commentary cannot reach.

His arrest warrant is pretty fascinating, too.

Found Object Archive:
Jan. 22, 2004: Dubya’s Lunch
Nov. 11, 2003: Bush’s Early Discharge
May 3, 2001: Cheney’s Priors
April 11, 2001: Chinese Press Explains EP-3 Crew Release
March 5, 2002: The Klan Explains It All For You
Feb. 26, 2001: Music Appreciation Found Object
Sept. 18, 2000: The Dossier on J. Edgar Hoover