
Found Object: The Klan Explains It All for You

It’s objet trouvé time again! The Supreme Court today decided not to hear a case about whether the state of Missouri could be compelled to allow the Ku Klux Klan to participate in its “Adopt-a-Highway” program. (A federal appeals court ruling last March decided against Missouri and in favor of the Klan.) The Klan’s new victory made Chatterbox wonder what general image the Klan seeks to project nowadays. The answer can be found in this handy FAQ prepared by the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which confirmed that the Missouri organization is one of its chapters.


Q. Why do you kill black people?
A. We don’t kill black people. This is another misconception about the Klan. … It is unfair to say the Klan kills black people. …Q. Are you all Nazis or something?
A. No. The Nazi regime ended in Germany over 50 years ago. We live in a different century in the United States. …
Q. You say you don’t hate minorities, but they can’t join The Knights. Doesn’t that make you all prejudice [sic]?
A. … Membership in The Knights is reserved for white Christians, however, those of other racial backgrounds who support our political platform can be Official Supporters. Official Supporters will receive a certificate verifying them as Official Supporters of The Knights and receive a subscription to The White Patriot News Report. However, Official Supporters can not attend private functions of The Knights.

Sadly, the FAQ doesn’t address the question, “How does litter removal relate to the broader Klan mission?”