The XX Factor

Bachmann for President?

Is Michele Bachmann thinking about running for president? So says ABC News, which reports that ” A source close to the three-term congresswoman said Bachmann will travel to  Iowa this month for multiple meetings to seek advice from political forces there and party elders close to the caucus process before coming to a final decision regarding a potential presidential run.” According to ABC, her spokespeople didn’t confirm, but also said “Nothing is off the table.” Which is about what they said about the recent rumors about a Bachmann 2012 Senate run. The Tea Partier would seek the Republican nomination if she runs, and while it’s difficult to imagine that she’d win a primary, let alone a general election, she could very well serve as a spoiler for a more viable establishment candidate. In a piece I wrote earlier this week , I argued that John Boehner and the rest of the GOP leadership will regret pushing her away, as she has plenty of popular support (the vast majority of her huge war chest this past election came from individual donors) and now, an extra axe to grind against the party higher-ups who shut her out of the leadership role she wanted. So I’m not totally surprised that she’s floating grander and grander rumors, just maybe at how quickly it happened.