The XX Factor

What Does Christine O’Donnell Do on Halloween?

A man tells  Gawker that when he was 25, he had a one night stand with Christine O’Donnell, who was then in her late 30s. Rife with obnoxious details (sloppy drunk, doesn’t wax, “decent” kisser) the incident nonetheless confirms all my worst stereotypes about those “born-again” virgins. She shows up, all innocent, in a ladybug costume. But she’s in a naughty mood because it’s Halloween, the night of the devil. She makes the first move-he describes her as an “aggressive” cougar-and gets him all the way to bed. And then she chooses that moment to tell him she is a virgin. Actually, what she says is that she’s a “born-again” virgin, which, unlike plain old “virgin,” doesn’t have that same tantalizing mystique. In fact, it may be the most cold-shower term ever invented.

Do we believe him? What won’t we believe about Christine O’Donnell in these last desperate days of the campaign? At least she wasn’t dressed as a witch. The person we feel most sorry for, however, is his roommate, who apparently then dated the born-again virgin for a whole year.

Photograph of Christine O’Donnell by Getty Images.