The XX Factor

Porn Searches Increase After Elections

At least according to a new study in Evolution and Human Behavior , cited by the Good Man Project . But it’s only true in states that voted for the winning candidate: In 2008, blue states experienced an uptick in porn searches the day after Obama’s victory; red states showed the same in 2004 after W. pulled out a repeat. The study’s authors hypothesize that it’s due to an surge of testosterone in men after they win something, even if they themselves didn’t participate in that something. (Of course, other studies have shown that domestic violence, sometimes associated with high testosterone levels, increases after football losses , so who knows?) Whether or not there’s any true causation there, the study’s authors will get another useful data point in November, when “despairing” Democratic-leaning women are expected to stay home, while “angry” men turn out to sweep Republicans into power. Guess we’ll see if that, um, enthusiasm lasts till the next morning.