The XX Factor

We’re Talking About: Comparing Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman, Sarah Shourd, and Teresa Lewis

-California Republicans Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina are treating their campaigns very differently . Political science professor Jack Citrin tells the NYT , “It’s like Fiorina is on a surfboard, and Whitman is on her yacht.” ( New York Times )

- President Obama says that it is Michelle’s “moral voice” that guides him every day. ( Politico )

- Teresa Lewis was executed last night . Read Dahlia Lithwick’s take on Lewis here . ( New York Times , Slate )

- Sarah Shourd opened up about her imprisonment in Iran this morning on CBS news. She says she won’t feel like she’s fully returned until the two Americans she was imprisoned with-one of whom is her fiance-are released. ( CBS ).

-A study by the Women’s Media Center shows that sexism against women in political campaigns works, unless the woman fights back . They’ve started a campaign called “Name It, Change It” to fight the popular wisdom that acknowledging sexism dignifies it. ( Politico )

-It’s singles week, and the Wall Street Journal has compiled some statistics to show that you’re not celebrating alone (31.7 million Americans live alone), even if you’re alone this week. ( Wall Street Journal )