The XX Factor

We’re Talking About: Sperm Donors and Sexual Discrimination at Goldman Sachs

-The Institute for American Values is starting a battle against single women and lesbians seeking sperm donors by supporting laws that treat donor conception like adoption-as an institution, rather than a market. [ Newsweek ]

-Fringe Tea Party  candidates like Christine O’Donnell may actually help democrats take over the senate come November. [Gawker]

-A group of educators is embracing the educational values of videogames. A school called Quest to Learn has an entire curriculum made up of technology-based instruction for students. [ New York Times ]

-The sexual discrimination lawsuit against Goldman Sachs that went public yesterday includes more than just accusations of favoritism towards males or pay discimination: One of the complaints alleges a work-related event… at a strip club. [Salon]

-Real Houseweives of DC star Cat Ommanney claims that her co-star Michaele Salahi , of White House party crashing fame, is lying about having Multiple Sclerosis. [Gawker]

- Does Christine O’Donnell have her mother on her campaign payroll ?  Check out these documents that seem to show she does. [ Daily Beast ]

Photograph by Mohammed Abed for Getty Images.