The XX Factor

Linda McMahon Attacks, Richard Blumenthal Plays Dead

The media keeps fanning the flames of the story of wrestler deaths in the WWE, the domain of Linda McMahon, who ran the wrestling empire before she became a candidate for governor in Connecticut. Here’s this handy summing-up from The Week : four men and one woman dead at young ages, two of them this month. And Democratic rival Richard Blumenthal still has had nothing to say about this. No attack ads or even just a biting line or two. And meanwhile, McMahon is slashing him whenever she can. Here she is relishing the attack in talking to The Daily Beast’s Lloyd Grove-and catching up to Blumenthal in the polls. She’s 10 points away, which is a lot closer than the 17 points she trailed by earlier this summer. What exactly is he waiting for?

Maybe Blumenthal’s campaign thinks that McMahon’s dagger-and-heels style is so out of step with genteel and proper Connecticut that she will sink herself. She has a yacht called Sexy Bitch , don’t forget. When Grove asked her about a TV spot from the Republican primary that showed McMahon repeatedly kicking a wrestling ref in the crotch, she quipped “Somebody said to me the other day, ‘We’re going to get you some steel-toed shoes when you get to Washington.” Lovely.

But I still don’t see how Blumenthal’s kid glove strategy is a winner. McMahon has $50 million of her own money to define herself as the feisty challenger. She has spent less than half of it. Blumenthal risks becomes background noise if he doesn’t get into the ring and kick back. Or at least throw some punches.