The XX Factor

“So Yesterday”

Poor Barbara Boxer. It is every girl’s nightmare to be, say, hiding in a bathroom stall and hear the girls in the next stalls making fun of your hair. (Transmission device in this case being open mic.) And you have to admire the balls of Carly Fiorina, to be so bitchy about another woman’s hair , when her own butch hairdo is a post-chemo accommodation, as she told the Times this weekend. Plus there was the way she delivered the insult, running her fingers coyly through her own short hair and laughing coquettishly. And then to decline to apologize , blithely telling Greta Van Susteren that her own hair has been “talked about by a million people.” In fact, she did more making up with Sean Hannity in that interview than she did with Boxer.

The incident raises a few questions:

1. She says that Boxer’s hair was “so yesterday.” Yesterday when? Is this not the eternal Washington-woman helmet that never goes out of fashion?

2. Are insults about a woman’s hair/outfits/posture worse or better coming from the mouth of another woman?

3. Is this California race going to be great or what?