The XX Factor

Does Everyone Look Better on Mondays?

Here’s some new research to file under interest-piquing-but-ultimately-inconsequential: Apparently your co-workers are hotter on Mondays. According to a study by British department store Debenhams , both men and women spend a much longer time perfecting the morning rigamarole on Mondays than they do any other day of the week. And as the week progresses, employees spend less and less time getting ready for work:

On average, women spend 76 minutes getting ready on Mondays – with almost a third of that spent on their hair – 18 minutes on make-up, 16 minutes trying on different combinations of clothes and the rest taken up by showering and washing.

This is reduced to 40 minutes on Tuesdays and continues to decline as the week goes on, falling to 19 minutes on Fridays. […]

Men too let their standards suffer with each passing day, the survey of 1,000 customers by Debenhams’ personal shopper network found. They take 28 minutes on Monday, half that on Tuesday and 11 for the rest of the week.

Of course, a survey conducted by a department store yields self-selecting subjects, and my unwashed hair and T-shirt-and-jeans-off-the-floor ensemble today would count as evidence against the Meticulous Monday idea (yes, it’s Tuesday, but workwise, it’s Monday-ish). Monday mornings I inevitably slam the snooze button a few times more than I should. I tend to try harder on Fridays, when I know I’ll be going somewhere besides the couch post-work. You?

Image by Andres Hernandez/Flickr Creative Commons.