The XX Factor

We’re Talking About: May 6, 2010

- Nearly 20 percent of the players on the University of Virgina men’s lacrosse team have been charged with alcohol-related offenses. [ Washington Post ]

-Researchers at Yale’s Infant Cognition Center discover that babies possess an innate sense of morality. [ New York Times Magazine ]

-Will the Library of Congress’ new Twitter archive redefine history or just add to our growing pile of Web junk? [ Washington Post ]

-Cable news and the business of slut-shaming . [ Salon ]

-The Times finally discovers haul videos and , a relatively new social-networking site that enables middle school students to savage each other anonymously. [ New York Times ]

Photograph of baby by KAELANDOUGLAS , available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.