The XX Factor

We’re Talking About: March 23, 2010

- According to Politico , ” the abortion issue is poised to make a political comeback ” now that House has passed the health care bill. Meaning a comeback from the back seat Democrats made pro-choice women take for the team ? [ Politico , The Nation ]

- More men have sued for sexual harassment since the start of the recession , despite the stigma against doing so. Lawyers note that litigation spikes when jobs are scarce. [ Wall Street Journal ]

- A new study by two U.C.-San Diego economists shows how much more time college-educated moms are putting into getting their children into elite colleges than they did in the 1990s. [ Science Daily ]

-Congressman Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) made a statement apologizing for yelling “baby killer ” in the House during the speech Bart Stupak made Sunday. Majority Whip Jim Clyburn says Neugebauer should have to apologize during a formal House session. [ Politico ]

-Can employing a nanny turn your son into a womanizer ? In his new book An Unsolicited Gift , psychiatrist Dennis Friedman says yes. [ London Times Online ]