The XX Factor

Everybody Loves Cantankerous Old Men

Hot off the heels of a book deal, the curse word-laced Twitter feed ” Shit My Dad Says ,” which, as you may have guessed, posts 140-character-long misanthropic insults spewed out by the author’s 73-year-old father, is being adapted into a sitcom for CBS . 29-year-old Maxim editor Justin Halpern first created the Twitter account in August after moving back into the parental abode and receiving unintentionally hilarious nuggets of pessimistic wisdom from his Dad like “Nobody is that important. They eat, shit, and screw, just like you. Maybe not shit like you, you got those stomach problems” and ‘You don’t know shit, and you’re not shit. Don’t take that the wrong way, that was meant to cheer you up.” Lo and behold, the shameful act of moving back in with the parents as an adult was a career changer for Halpern.

The only thing surprising about the CBS deal is that someone’s actually making some money off of Twitter. Cantankerous old-man comedy is a tried and true formula (See: Grumpy Old Men , Frasier ). Now the question is: Who’s going to play Halpern’s dad? Ideas? Keep in mind Ted Danson’s all tied up with Curb Your Enthusiasm and Bored To Death . But where’s Martin Sheen these days?