The XX Factor

No Teddy Bear Picnic

This may be more than you can handle on a Monday, but here goes: Thanks to Jezebel, we’ve been introduced to the strange wonder that is … Placenta Bear .

Designed by Alex Green, the Twin Teddy Kit “celebrates the unity of the infant, the mother and the placenta.” According to Inhabitots -a site for sustainable children’s design-the placenta gets cut in half, cured in sea salt, and then softened with “an emulsifying mixture of tannin and egg yolk” before being stitched, Tim Burton-like, into bear form.

I was starting to get used to the idea that some mothers choose to practice a kind of benign maternal cannibalism and eat their babies’ placentas . But I would be creeped out by having this eyeless thing in my house. And how do you make sure the cat doesn’t get at it?

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