The XX Factor

There Are No Falsely Accused (On TV)

Last night on the Good Wife , the new CBS drama about a political wife that we discussed on last week’s podcast , a very timely plot played out. A stripper and former hooker accused a rich guy of rape and sued him. With his flop of hair, he was a dead ringer for Michael Kennedy and we were sure he’d be guilty. But then the judge in the civil case ruled in his favor. Amazing, I thought, Here is a show so brave, so sensitive to the changing political climate, that they risk having this jerk of a defendant be innocent. Did they consult a medium who told them how the Hofstra case would play out?

But no. The last few moments brought yet another twist, where the accused was led off in handcuffs for his criminal trial. Which leads to another less surprising point, about the tedious, endless loop of the legal drama, on which the rich white man is always guilty and the hooker is not only beautiful but always has a heart of gold.