The XX Factor

Broadsheet Weighs In on Katie Roiphe’s Essay

Katie Roiphe’s recent essay for DoubleX , on the narcotic effects of new motherhood, has generated quite a bit of heat in the blogosphere, with posts piling up from the New York Times ’ ” Idea of the Day ” blog, from Jezebel , and from the Atlantic ’s ” Daily Dish ,” among others. I’ve been trying to keep up with the avalanche of comments on all these sites-and ours-and it’s a task that has proven fascinating and enervating in equal measures.

Yesterday afternoon, Salon ’s Broadsheet published a roundtable on Roiphe’s piece . If you can stand to hear a little more on the subject, I highly recommend it-I think it’s the most balanced, thoughtful discussion I’ve come across so far. And the format-six short, self-contained essays-helps clarify and distill some of the thorny issues the piece and the subsequent debate has raised.