The XX Factor

Recession Briefing 5.18

Popular consumer items in the recession include: chocolate, Spam, self-tanning products, running shoes, and cheap wine. ( Associated Press )

“Will the global recession push more people to sell their organs? Apparently, the answer is yes,” writes William Saletan. ( Human Nature )

Want to get the most bang for your food dollars? Mark Gimein finds the most caloric food items for the least money. ( The Big Money )

Pfizer will give away free Lipitor, Viagra, and a host of other drugs to Americans who have lost their jobs since January 1. ( Associated Press )

Local police services are reportedly being limited by the recession , forcing some agencies to close precincts, merge with other departments or even shut down. ( USA Today )

Danish brand consultant Martin Linstrom talks about how neurology, as much as economics, drives consumer behavior during the recession. ( Time )

Hard economic times are hitting the United States’ youngest citizens , threatening to roll back decades worth of gains in health, safety and education, according to a report released today. ( Reuters )

A contracting national economy has led congregations across the religious spectrum to cut or downsize clergy positions, hire part-time lay people instead and delay filling vacancies. ( New York Times )

“We’re absolutely seeing an increase in crime at hotels,” says Philip Farina, CEO of Enterprising Securities. Security industry veterans like Farina say that hard economic times are especially driving up incidents of theft. ( USA Today )

“It is more than a little convenient for America’s political class to blame deregulation for this financial crisis,” writes Niall Ferguson. “Not only does that neatly pass the buck, but it also creates a justification for … more regulation.” ( New York Times )