
Opening Act: Budget Day

The White House’s doomed budget is being rolled out today; I’m kicking back at Rand Paul’s speech to Howard University students.

Jonathan Van Meter gets the long-awaited Anthony Weiner/Huma Abedin comeback profile. He sprays long, long quotes onto the page, which works beautifully, because Weiner’s perfected a sort of partial admission that sounds like full admission. For example, he won’t share the results of his private polling, but he describes it like this:

People are generally prepared to get over it, but they don’t know if they’re prepared to vote for me. And there’s a healthy number of people who will never get over it… It’s a little complicated because I always attracted a fairly substantial amount of people who didn’t like me anyway.

Brandon Ambrosino writes powerfully about being gay at Liberty University.

Rich Yeselson reviews a history of the New Deal as a history of Southern politics.

In the New Deal’s early years, Southern members of Congress stuck with their long-held Democratic loyalty and championed the vast sums of federal dollars rushing into their impoverished states. Even the rabidly racist Theodore Bilbo, senator from Mississippi, who proposed as late as 1946 that blacks be resettled in Liberia, voted in 1935 for the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), labor’s so-called Magna Carta.

Michele Bachmann struggles to put the 2012 presidential campaign behind her, as aides physically struggle to keep reporters away from her.