
Classified Info on Targeted Killing Will Now Be Available to Any American Who is Currently a Key Senator

Israeli left-wing activists demonstrate in 2003 in front of the Defence Ministry in Tel Aviv against the targeted killings of Palestinian militants in the West Bank and the Gaza strip by Israel forces, stressing the fact of the ‘circle’ of death on both Israeli and Palestinian sides.

Photo by YOAV LEMMER/AFP/Getty Images

Good news from the Senate!

The administration has now provided the Senate Intelligence Committee with full access to documents outlining the President’s authority to conduct targeted killings of Americans in counter terrorism operations. We are pleased that we now have the access that we have long sought and need to conduct the vigilant oversight with which the committee has been charged.

So, where can we see it? Nowhere. The information will be shared with the committee, as it should have been in the first place. But it will fit under the rubric of intel docs that can’t be published. I’ve asked senators if they’ll approach this the way that Sen. Mike Gravel once approached the Pentagon Papers, and read information into the congressional record, effectively freeing it. No answer yet.

UPDATE: Sen. Ron Wyden’s spokesman Tom Caiazza answers my semi-troll question:

There are senate rules prohibiting senators from divulging classified information and simply reading the memos into the congressional record could harm the cause of transparency in the long run. Senator Wyden will continue to push the administration to declassify the rules for conducting targeted killings of Americans