
Opening Act: White Paper

A headquarters for the Church of Scientology is seen January 16, 2013 in Clearwater, Florida.

Photo by Getty Images

Mike Isikoff scoops the white paper (PDF) justifying the killing of American citizens.

The arrival of investigative reporters on the Menendez beat is not revealing much in the way of scandalous detail.

The RNC’s own “oppo” on the scandal points us to a headline that begins “Prostitution Allegation is Flimsy.”

But the NYT keeps digging on the financial aspect of the story—far less sexy, far more promising:

Mr. Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, has pushed United States government officials to help enforce a contract that a company owned in part by one of his major donors, Dr. Salomon E. Melgen, has with the Dominican government, which has refused to honor it. A top executive at Dr. Melgen’s security company will be Pedro Pablo Permuy, a former national security adviser and senior legislative aide to Mr. Menendez, according to a cousin of Dr. Melgen. Mr. Permuy’s ties to the senator go back at least 20 years.

Dan Duray reveals what happens when the Church of Scientology fact-checks your article.

The meeting lasted about eight hours. The Scientology team, outfitted in sharp suits, frequently giggled as Mr. Wright defended his sources. The church representatives presented charts that detailed everything they perceived to be wrong with the story, based on what they knew about it from the fact-checking questions. Tommy Davis, the church’s lead spokesman at the time, would often interrupt Mr. Wright’s references to the church leader, saying, “you mean Mr. Miscavige, Larry, Mr. Miscavige.”

President Obama talked about shooting skeet in 2010, and nobody noticed.

Steve Benen has some fun with the perennial “impeach Obama” movement.

Good catch by Ben Armbruster: The two-state solution, pretty universally accepted in high-level Israel discussions, is being used as a brickbat against Hagel.

Andrew Stiles appreciates Ted Cruz and his 0-for-11 voting record.