
Opening Act: I Won’t See This Again

I wrapped the inaugural, from the cold cold ground, in a piece yesterday afternoon. Typically, outside of Slate’s DC office, there’s a horrible busker playing covers of pop songs, inspiring commuters to run into the metro station a little faster.

Jordan Ragusa wonders whether the GOP’s debt plan is constitutional. (Pretty clear to me that it is, but it’s inspired by post-Prop 13 revanchist politics, not so much by the founders.)

Stonewall patrons react to the bar’s citation in an inaugural address.

Alex Andreou gives the European center-left thumbs-up to Obama.

His words will make it a tiny fraction more difficult to bully the gay or brown kid in schools everywhere. His words will make it a tiny fraction more difficult for our PM to continue using the language of fear. His words warmed the heart of this olive-skinned, immigrant poof.

And we’re probably veering into presidential hero worship at this point, but this was a nice moment, captured by C-Span’s unpretentious and ever-watching eyes.