
Opening Act: Montana Meth Lab

The story of the day: Frontline finds internal documents connecting a Super PAC to Republican politicians, stashed in a meth house.

Brown urged Frontline to turn over the documents. “If the documents are purported to be what you say they are, then you may knowingly be in possession of stolen property,” Brown wrote.

The records are in the hands of the Montana Commissioner of Political Practices, which considers them public and reviewable upon request.

Nate Silver gets into, easily wins slapfight with the Unskewed Polls blogger.

Jay Cost tells an alternate history of 2011.

The public clearly was demanding greater comity between the two sides and a focus on solving the problems of the economy and public finances, yet Obama brokered no lasting deals with his Republican foes. Instead, he battened down the hatches, figuring that he could wait out the Tea Party storm, then castigate the GOP as a bunch of right-wing crazies who had made things worse.

Really, name the deal that House Republicans offered the White House.

The Star-Tribune gives Obama a mere 3-point lead in Minnesota, which will create fresh Momentum drama later this week. Who blinks? Who campaigns in Minnesota, en route to the more promising turf of western Wisconsin?

Peter Baker asks and sort of answers the awkward question: How will Frankenstorm affect the race?

Tim Fernholz calculates the cost of “fiscal cliff” austerity. It’s high. It’s pointless.

James Wood writes the only truly fascinating take on Mourdockgate.

The Protestant and Catholic churches struggled for centuries with the implications of God’s foreknowledge of sin and suffering. You can try to wriggle out of these implications by arguing that we humans must have freedom to do good and evil or we would just be automata, remotely controlled by God. But this returns us to Mourdock’s dilemma. Because if God knows in advance what we will do, he knows that we will misuse our freedom, as he surely knew that Adam and Eve would.