
Opening Act: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Eli Lake continues to own the Libya aftermath beat.

In the hours following the 9/11 anniversary attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, U.S. intelligence agencies monitored communications from jihadists affiliated with the group that led the attack and members of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb(AQIM), the group’s North African affiliate.

I actually think Matt Latimer underrates how stupid the Massachusetts Senate race is in comparison to the presidential race. The Massachusetts race has become wholly without substance.

The flip-side of Republicans grudgingly getting behind Todd Akin is Democrats feeling free again to point out how delightfully traditional he is.

Part of his confidence, he said, comes from McCaskill’s demeanor during their debate last week, which he said was not as “ladylike” as it was when she faced off with Republican Jim Talent in 2006.

Lou Dobbs tells Romney to stop asking if people are “better off than they were four years ago.” I like Michael Grunwald’s suggestion of a question Romney can ask. “How’re ya doin?”

Real talk from Will Wilkinson.