
Pictures of Charlotte During the Democratic Occupation

CHARLOTTE – Before I leave, I’m emptying my trusty iPhoto bin of all that it has to offer.
IMG_0193 A hardy canvass crediting all the wonderful companies that funded the convention’s Labor Day street fair. (Full disclosure: I am taking US Airways out of Charlotte. And I drink Coke. And I have an iPhone with AT&T service. I think that’s it.)
IMG_0198 A conventioneer struggers to pack away all of her personal-improvement swag after grabbing it at the Huffington Post Oasis. IMG_0402 I tried to keep the photographs of Obama gear to a minimum. I made some exceptions. IMG_0241 Corporate-themed cocktails for some, miniature American flags for all. IMG_0218 A photoshop of Obama and MLK, available on all manners of gear, that for some reason portrays them both looking sad and busy. IMG_0279
A man checking his phone during a party in a gallery full of Obama art.
And the flip side of that: D.C.’s irritated Democratic officials, wondering why they got such terrible seats at the back of the Time Warner Arena.