
Aurora Changed (Almost) Nothing

Pew surveys Second Amendment opinion after the Aurora shooting. There’s a small, barely-notable bump in support for gun control, from 45 percent to 47 percent. One quibble, though.

There has been no significant change in public views on the issue of gun control and gun rights following the July 20th shooting at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado.

But there has been a change! In Colorado, new background checks for gun purchases surged by 41 percent in the days after the shooting. That was down, slightly, from the 60 percent surge in Arizona that followed the Giffords shooting. Why? Sam Stein and Arthur Delaney hopped over to a gun show in the D.C. burbs to add some anecdote to the data. (Great minds, etc etc)

They said they feared the 100-round magazine wouldn’t be around for long, thanks to Aurora. “I think that’s gonna be a debate that might go somewhere. I think it will get traction,” said [George] Whitbeck, who said he owns several pistols and rifles and shoots as a hobby.

Patrick Troy, a Leesburg resident and a vociferous supporter of gun rights, said he had no interest in 100-round magazines. But he’s wary of any new restrictions on gun ownership.

“Do I care whether I can buy a 100-round magazine or not? I pretty much don’t, but I don’t want my rights infringed,” Troy said.

Here on earth, all but the most liberal Democrats have completely given up on strict gun control legislation.