
The Wisconsin Recall, As Told Through Goofy Signs

Last month, as I sped* around Wisconsin to cover the recall election, I took a few photos of the official and unofficial street art cropping up. Some of the best stuff was, sadly, too hard to photograph. I’m thinking of a woman in Oshkosh who decked out her porch in neon anti-Scott Walker signs, and a Democratic sign that changed the governor’s slogan from “Stand With” to “Stand Trial With…”, a reference to the “John Doe” scandal that has not paid the dividends Democrats had hoped for.
This one sprouted in central and northeast Wisconsin; the joke is pretty obvious for everyone who enters the Oshkosh GOP offices. IMG_7322 See above. IMG_7345 Seen in an Appleton Democratic office. The old Koch obsession of February 2011 is alive, and evolved. IMG_7344 Again: See previous slide. IMG_7368 In Madison, where the John Doe scandal – like really any information that looks bad for Walker – has adherents. IMG_7248 Speaking of Madison… if Tom Barrett ends up losing, I’d expect (and understand) some residual bitterness about how liberal, hard-luck former Dane County executive Kathleen Falk was pushed aside. IMG_7252 At a union call center in Green Bay. IMG_7192 The other perspective, in Milwaukee. We end with a couple of inspirational frescos from GOP volunteer centers. in Fond du Lac: IMG_7222 The hard-to-see image on the right is a phony Kenyan birth certificate. Get it? Get it? IMG_7327 And back to Oshkosh. Please notice the number eight city on the list, and then observe Walker’s TV ads.
*Kidding! Speed limits were constantly and reverently obeyed.