
Opening Act: Ricketts

Zeleny and Rutenberg follow their “Ricketts plan” scoop with a look at Ricketts, the man.

Mr. Ricketts was shown the commercial at an initial meeting at Mr. Davis’s offices in California, which Mr. Ricketts requested as he sought to build a team of top Republican strategists to lead his foray into the presidential campaign. (Aides acknowledge that a second meeting followed in New York, where, they say, he gave Mr. Davis general directions to move ahead with a plan that would create maximum impact for $10 million but did not specifically approve one based on Mr. Wright.)
But he had nothing to do with anything! All of a sudden, it’s like rich people can’t get away with things. Tad DeHaven accuses the Republican frosh of drinking the Kool Aid.
I am not sure what Matt Miller is trying to say here.