
The Perry Campaign Wants You to Read About How Bad the Perry Campaign Is

In my inbox: An e-mail titled “In Case You Missed It,” credited to Rick Perry for President spokesman Ray Sullivan. The contents: A blog post from Erick Erickson of Red State, some meandering thoughts about the candidates.

[Y]esterday, a number of bloggers across the conservative side of the internet rolled out endorsements for Rick Perry, including a number of front page writers here. While I realize Perry’s initial debate performances were weak and, should Perry make it out of Iowa he must absolutely and decisively remove Ray Sullivan from being in charge of communications… of all the candidates running, I think he has one of the best shots, though his internal campaign situation has badly served him and he never should have left Ray Sullivan in his position and I question whether he should have brought on Cousin Eddie … er … Joe Allbaugh, a Bushie whose presence will just cause more comparisons to Bush.

I don’t think the “Perry could be winning this if he hired better people” – did they force him to say “oops?” – but Sullivan makes his own case poorly here.