
Open Thread: Nullified

I’m taking most of the day off*, but I have a new piece up now about the GOP’s very successful campaign of refusing to staff agencies they don’t like, and about whether Obama can just bypass all this.

Bruce Bartlett has some prescriptions, illustrated by a nightmarish image of Uncle Sam.

Tim Mak profiles Rep. Justin Amash, the next Ron Paul. (There’ll be a hell of a U.S. Senate primary when Carl Levin retires someday.)

Romney’s firewall, still somewhat firey.

Rand Paul takes to the DMR to blast Gingrich. (His dad, remember, is in second place in Iowa now.)

Hitchens. Read.

*Thanks for asking, but nothing’s the matter. Just cashing in some chits from last weekend’s work and tomorrow’s debate coverage, to square stuff away before the Christian holidays.