
About That “Fox News Viewers Are Dumb” Study…

The juxtaposition of these two stories at the Huffington Post is just too good. The first story, about how incredibly stupid Fox News viewers are, has been “liked” by almost as many people as live in Newark, New Jersey. The second-most popular story: An aggregated piece about a phony doctor who injected bonding products into a butt.

What does it all mean? Well, people like to read about silly stuff. The HuffPost reader who clicks on stories about how stupid conservatives are and the Fox News viewer (or Fox Nation reader) who can’t get enough about how dumb liberals are; they’re warring inhabits of the planet Cheron. This might teach us more than the original FDU/Public Mind study this is based on. Yes, Daily Show audiences (who know a lot) and Fox News audiences (who miss some big foreign policy news) are different. According to the last study of this, Daily Show audiences are about three times as likely to have graduated from college as Fox News audiences.