
Can Hashtags Create Jobs?

Before the August recess, Republicans talked about bringing back the Balanced Budget Amendment in the fall. It would be a prominent campaign. It would have to be, because John Boehner promised his conference that they’d get a guns-a-blazin’ BBA campaign if they backed the debt deal. And then Congress returned. The economy was still lousy. The president was making a much-mocked “pivot to jobs” that, despite the jokes, became the conversation in Washington. How to respond? You respond by tweeting that the Balanced Budget Amendment is about jobs. Screen shot 2011-09-13 at 4.35.35 PM Screen shot 2011-09-13 at 4.36.26 PM Screen shot 2011-09-13 at 4.36.01 PM America Speaking Out is the web site Republicans created in 2010 to crowdsource a pledge to voters; the new campaign begins with a re-run of the GOP’s two-month-old video for a new BBA, which was originally released to promote the BBA as part of Cut, Cap, and Balance. The executive branch doesn’t get to have a monopoly on pivots!