
Ron Paul Digs In

This is the banner ad you see if you click over to some conservative sites: Screen shot 2011-09-07 at 2.13.00 PM The link is to Paul’s 60-second ad, which the campaign has bought time for during tonight’s debate, bracketed by an open letter from Paul campaign chairman/grandson-in-law Jesse Benton.

Governor Perry, let me be clear: It is not that you supported Al Gore that worries us.

It is that you supported Hillary Clinton’s health care plan.

You pushed for federal bailout and stimulus funds. 

You support welfare for illegal immigrants.

You tried to forcibly vaccinate 12-year-old girls against sexually transmitted diseases by executive order.

You raised taxes twice.

And, state debt has more than doubled in your tenure as governor, pushing Texas to the brink of our constitutional debt limit.

It’s that you supported ALL of these bad ideas that are inconsistent with how most Republicans understand conservatism, yet you now try to swagger your way into the Tea Party.
Quite a sideshow. Paul hasn’t previously arrived at debates with an intent to go after people.