
SarahPAC Pays Palin’s Parents for “Correspondence and Card Mailing”

To the tune of $3,200, according to the SarahPAC FEC report. That’s in addition to $623.90 that SarahPAC paid family friend/key defender in the “Troopergate” story Marilyn Lane for “stamps, photo, ink,” $499.24 to Lane for “postage, supplies,” and $12,500 to Lane for “part-time clerical” work.

Palin’s gotten some negative attention for paying $14,000 to decorate her “One Nation” bus, but I don’t see why – that tour was worth millions of dollars in free media. (How much do we think reporters spent on gas for their caravan cars?) It’s not unusual for family or friends to be brought on to a PAC or campaign payroll. Palin spent far more on donations to candidates – $60,000. It’s just a little odd, considering how much money her family can pull in in the private sector.