
James Inhofe to the Rescure

The press statement of the day, bar none.

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), today became the first Member of Congress to view the death photos of Osama bin Laden recently made available by the CIA to members of the SASC and Intel Committee…

“It is an important responsibility as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee to view these photos and be able to validate his death to the people of the nation,” said Inhofe prior to viewing the photos. “By viewing these photos, I can help dispel conspiracy theorists who doubt that Bin Laden is in fact dead. That is why I recommended that they make them available to members of the committee, and I appreciate Director Panetta following up on my suggestion.”

It’s remarkable; the conspiracy theories about OBL’s death and the angry demands for the photos to be released to all basically petered out over the weekend. Reuters, NPR and other news organizations have demanded the photos. Polling shows that people want the photo to stay secret; the AP poll has that opinion winning out by a 2-1 margin. And so the story fades, for now.