
Is the Trump Boomlet Over?

Public Policy Polling finds Donald Trump’s numbers collapsing like a poorly-built McMansion. The numbers, with trendlines :

Mike Huckabee - 19% (+2)
Mitt Romney - 18% (+3)
Newt Gingrich - 13% (+2)
Sarah Palin - 12% (+4)
Donald Trump - 8% (-18)
Ron Paul - 8% (-3)
Michele Bachmann - 7% (+3)
Tim Pawlenty - 5% (+1)

That’s a totally even distribution from the people fleeing Trump; proportionately, Palin, Paul, and Bachmann benefit the most from the meltdown. Tom Jensen explains:

As Trump got more and more exposure over the last month Republicans didn’t just decide they weren’t interested in having him as their nominee- they also decided they flat don’t like him. Only 34% of GOP voters now have a favorable opinion of Trump to 53% who view him in a negative light. 

The (temporary?) collapse of birtherism delivered a real blow to Trump, but that can’t explain all of his decline. For that, we have to credit his strategy of copying Sarah Palin’s long march to over-exposure and doing it in a few weeks. In April, 40 percent of all stories about the 2012 candidates were about Trump . They got to watch him be completely humiliated by the president, hear him drop three F-bombs in a Vegas speech, and ramble about oil, Libya, terrorism, taxes, and probably the speculator’s market in Beanie Babies (I didn’t read every interview.) There’s only so much a human can take.