
One Last Shot at GOProud

In the waning hours before the Conservative Political Action Conference begins, this 2005 article started making the rounds again, reporting on a new Planned Parenthood contract for Republican consultant named Chris Barron – the Chris Barron who’s now president of GOProud.

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America has hired an official from the Log Cabin Republicans to head its Republican Party outreach efforts.

One pro-choice Republican leader called the move “very exciting,” but conservative opponents of the nation’s top abortion provider are not impressed.

Wait a minute. Barron just went after Tim Pawlenty for musing about defunding the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and suggested that Pawlenty focus on issues like “defunding Planned Parenthood.” What happened?

“I worked for Planned Parenthood for all of 2 months,” Barron told me in an e-mail. “Worst 2 months of my life… Want to convert pro-choicers to the pro-life cause?  Make them work at Planned Parenthood.”

Barron says he stopped supporting the Roe v Wade decision in early 2006, after this experience, “but beyond that don’t have strong feelings on abortion - not really involved in the process.”