
Ken Cuccinelli Takes The Planned Parenthood Videos Very Seriously

Live Action’s undercover video stings of Planned Parenthood clinics are modeled after the ACORN stings of 2009, to the letter. In 2009, James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles told ACORN volunteers that they were a pimp and prostitute trying to cover up illegal sex traffic. The Live Action sting put “pimps” into Planned Parenthood offices where they asked for advice on abortions for underaged and/or undocumented prostitutes.

The difference between the two stings, so far – there is an intense liberal pushback against Live Action, whereas Democrats crumbled immediately after the ACORN tapes. The Planned Parenthood sting hasn’t been as politically successful as the ACORN sting. Pro-life activists pointed out that Gov. Chris Christie, R-NJ, had vetoed funding for Planned Parenthood after these videos came out, but he’s pro-life, and he’d previously cut funding for the organization . He didn’t credit Live Action for his most recent stroke of the veto pen.

But Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli? That’s another story. Asked about this on Fox News, Cuccinelli said he wanted to look into Planned Parenthood.

Well, certainly we take an interest any time you see an expression like you do in these tapes of a willingness to support sex trafficking of minors. What you don’t have is an actual case of it on film but what you do have is clearly an open willingness of several organizations meaning subsidiaries of Planned Parenthood nationally in the same category, sex trafficking of minors, and an open willingness to participate in this. And, this is at a time that we are trying to deal with human trafficking.

Slow start, but with Cuccinelli on board, there’s some traction.