
Giffords and Guns

My friend Matt Zeitlin pointed out today that, in another era, the Tucson shooting would spark a discussion about gun rights, not political rhetoric. Worth noting: Giffords was a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment, and a gun owner. She signed an amicus brief in support of the D.C. v. Heller, the case that overturned Washington, D.C.’s gun ban. Her reaction to the verdict:

“As a gun owner, I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment.  In February, I was proud to sign the Amicus Brief in District of Columbia v. Heller asking the Supreme Court to uphold the lower court ruling that overturned the long standing DC gun ban. 

This is a common sense decision that reaffirms the Constitutional right - and Arizona tradition - of owning firearms.  I commend the Court for ruling in favor of restoring our right to bear arms.”