
Murkowski Leads in Alaska

The number of write-in ballots for Lisa Murkowski has finally surpassed the number of ballots for Joe Miller in Alaska’s U.S. Senate race.

The Division of Elections has now counted 92,164 votes for Murkowski and 90,458 for Miller…Miller ballot observers so far have challenged 7,601 of the votes the state has counted for Murkowski.

If the count stopped now, Miller would have to fully disqualify 22.4 percent of the ballots he’s contesting – get them thrown out, no questions asked, because of spelling errors or other reasons. There are roughly 10,000 write-in ballots left to count, so that number’s going to tick up substantially. With almost all of the absentee ballots counted – there are, according to the ADN, only 600 absentees outstanding from overseas and military voters – Miller can’t cut this gap any other way.

Murkowski’s victory lap began yesterday.