
DeMint: Marco Rubio Will Be President “In Five Years”

Stephen Hayes’s profile of Marco Rubio in the Weekly Standard is an instant classic of behind-the-curtain political reporting, bringing us back to the days when Rubio was a non-starter against Crist and evoking just how pathetic the governor of Florida became in the final weeks. It also includes this kicker.

“Marco Rubio is a natural leader and is likely to be a leader of our party,” says DeMint. “In five years, no one will remember Jim DeMint, and Marco will be president.”

Five years! That dates a Rubio presidential victory to November 2012.

UPDATE: I’m assuming DeMint means Rubio will be the next Republican president, but asked his team to clear this up just to make sure. My working theory: a Romney/Rubio ticket defeats Obama in 2012, but the new GOP Congress impeaches Romney and removes him from office when he refuses to unravel the Affordable Care Act, and Rubio rises to the big chair.