
Mark Levin, Creep

I’ve had some fun pointing out how John McCormack, the Weekly Standard’s excellent campaign reporter, has been manning the battle stations with damaging scoops about Christine O’Donnell. The Standard is the magazine that gave us Sarah Palin, and defended her every move: O’Donnell is Palin’s pick. But McCormack has been doing real reporting on O’Donnell’s financial and legal history, which makes this attack from Mark Levin especially disgusting. A sample:

You seem obsessed with O’Donnell.  Have you obsessed over women before? Have you ever been married?  Have you dated?  I hate to ask youpersonal questions, but they do seem to be your speciality.

This is absolutely pathetic. No, Mark, when reporters investigate female candidates, they are not “obsessed,” any more than you’re obsessed with Hillary Clinton when you call her “her thighness” and “Hillary Rotten Clinton.” They’re reporting. For all of your posing about legal theory and the Constitution, you make it pretty clear here that you’re a political hack.

UPDATE: I never cease to be amused by celebrities who think that they diminish critics by singling them out andineffectively attacking them. I appreciate the new readers Mark Levinhas sent my way, and for the record, yes, accusing a reporter of being”obsessed” with a female candidate because he’s reporting on her is themove of a creep. He can’t defend his childish behavior, so he whinesabout the people who criticize him for it.

And I encourage my new readers to

check out Dahlia Lithwick’s review

of Levin’s “Men in Black.” There are plenty of serious legal writers and commentators you can check out – head over to the Volokh Conspiracy and follow the links. Levin’s a short-tempered hack, and not really worth your time.