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Bobby Jindal: GOP Should Back Over-the-Counter Birth Control

A likely GOP presidential hopeful in 2016, Bobby Jindal has decided to lay some groundwork with a “buck-the-party” marker. The Louisiana governor took to the pages of the Wall Street Journal to advocate for over-the-counter birth control.

Though he takes pains to call himself an “unapologetic pro-life Republican,” Jindal says directly that he believes anyone over 18 should be able to buy contraceptives without a prescription.

His advocacy comes after the leading group of OB/GYNs called for over-the-counter birth-control sales last month.

Still, Jindal’s call for “the end of birth-control politics” goes only so far. He makes sure to criticize President Obama’s health care law, writing that “anyone who has a religious objection to contraception should not be forced by government health-care edicts to purchase it for others”—a nod to social conservatives in the Republican base.