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Miley Cyrus Engaged to Liam Hemsworth

Miley Cyrus can be tamed after all—or at least wedded.

It seems like not too long ago she was just starting release more grown up singles to transition out of her teen idol image. But now the 19-year-old has taken a very adult step and gotten engaged to actor Liam Hemsworth.

The Hunger Games star worked with Cyrus in The Last Song three years ago, and apparently the relationship has turned pretty serious since then. Hemsworth, 22, bought Cyrus a 3.5-carat diamond ring, and Cyrus told People, “I’m so happy to be engaged and look forward to a life of happiness with Liam.”

So we can expect Miley’s new album to be all about young love and marriage, and the one after that to be about the inevitable Hollywood divorce, right?