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Limbaugh’s “Rush Babes for America” Aims To Prove He Doesn’t Degrade Women

Radio talk show Rush Limbaugh is fighting off a campaign to get rid of his advertising support by forming his own group for women: Rush Babes For America.

Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

Rush Limbaugh is fighting accusations by the National Organization for Women that he has been degrading the opposite sex. How? By starting his own group: “Rush Babes for America.”

With a logo featuring a female silhouette similar to those seen on 18-wheeler mud flaps, Limbaugh’s National Organization for Rush Babes aims to counter NOW’s “Enough Rush” campaign, which is putting pressure on advertisers to stop supporting the political shock jock’s conservative radio talk show.

Limbaugh drew the ire of women’s groups earlier this year for calling Georgetown student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and “prostitute” because of her health insurance birth control advocacy. A CEO at radio company Cumulus admitted this week that boycotts of Limbaugh’s show over his comments had cost millions in canceled advertising.

Limbaugh has blamed “Femi-Nazis” for trying to tell women how to think. “The National Organization of Women is not a female organization,” said the talk show host. Maybe Rush thinks you have to have the word “babes” in your name for it to count.

Video produced by Paca Thomas.