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Tareq Salahi Won’t Stop Believing, Now Running for Virginia Governor

Tareq Salahi says he’s running for governor of Virginia. Salahi (R) and wife Michaele Salahi visit FOX studios in 2010.

Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

Tareq Salahi just won’t let the world forget about him. His latest stunt? Running for governor of Virginia.

Salahi, who infamously crashed a 2009 State Dinner alongside his now estranged wife Michaele of Real Housewives of D.C. fame, filled out the necessary forms and is running on a limited government and power-to-the-people platform.

Salahi will square off against current Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli in the primary, who recently filed suit against the socialite for defrauding customers of his wine tour business. 

That isn’t the only legal matter Salahi might want to handle if he wants to be a serious contender. He recently filed for divorce from Michaele, who mysteriously disappeared on Salahi—to reportedly hook up with Journey guitarist Neal Schon. Maybe Salahi could guilt Schon into backing him; “Don’t Stop Believing” is a great campaign song—especially for a long-shot candidate.

Video produced by Krishnan Vasuvedan.