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Santorum’s Weak Pennsylvania Polling Could Mean the End of His Campaign

(A new dip in poll numbers in his home state suggest Santorum’s 2012 presidential bid may soon be over. The Republican presidential hopeful speaks to supporters in front of the Blair County Courthouse during a campaign rally on April 4, 2012, in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania.)

Photo by PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images

It’s not a good sign when your home court advantage threatens to grow a losing streak. 

The former senator from Pennsylvania Rick Santorum is trailing front-runner Mitt Romney, 42 percent to 37 percent in his home state, according to a survey by Public Policy Polling.

This news comes just days after Santorum lost a trifecta of primaries in Washington D.C., Maryland, and Wisconsin, where he had hoped for a much needed win. Santorum’s numbers in the Keystone State are dropping as Romney’s stock is on the rise, and with the former Massachusetts governor also winning the endorsement race, Santorum’s chances seem increasingly grim.

Even Romney surrogate Donald Trump is calling for the conservative to “bow out with dignity.” But with some values voters sticking with him, Santorum’s rallying supporters and called for a strong second half. Maybe someone should tell him it’s more like the 4th quarter. 

Video produced by Krishnan Vasuvedan