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Rick Perry Ad Generating Epic Hate on YouTube

Rick Perry’s “Strong” ad has quickly worked its way up the list of the most disliked videos on YouTube. And, given the homophobic messaging, it’s not hard to see why.

The ad already has more dislikes than the current version of Rebecca Black’s “Friday.” The original video was pulled and reposted after it garnered more than 1 million thumbs down.

Perry’s ad may not actually have the highest number of dislikes of any YouTube video ever—that distinction is held by Justin Bieber’s “Baby” video with over 2 million haters—but it nonetheless seems to be the most loathed video on the Web percentage-wise.

It may be that Perry and his campaign are completely out of touch with Internet culture, not to mention what century we’re in, or maybe they’ve realized that the best way to get a video to go viral is to make it hateable.